Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Evening Stroll with My Wife in London, Ontario

 I have not been posting anything on this blog for almost four years. And recently, I just happend to check the stats of this blog and got surprised to see that this blog is still getting traffic. Almost 500 visits in a month was kind of unexpected. So, I thought I should starting writing blog posts again. However, I couldn't start right away. And, today, I just started writing. I really hope I will be posting very often in coming days.

So, yesterday, my wife and I took a walk around downtown London. By the way, we are in London but in England. This is London in Ontario, Canada. It's a small city with a population of around 500,000. Anyways, it was a hot day. And it was fairly warm in the evening. So, we went for a walk. Fortunately, we live in the downtown area. So, we can take a stroll anytime. Well, we walk around and decided to go to this place called Kungfu Tea to have some refreshment. We tried this drink called Oreo Black Warrior. It was a good one. We both are not good at finishing sweet drinks and dishes. So, we left some portion. These are some pictures taken there:

Well, we didn't stop there. We hadn't had a proper dinner. So, we went to an Indian restaurant, Jugaad. We had a Biryani and a soup. And yes, we couldn't finish it. We took the food home and ate the leftover today. These are the pictures taken at Jugaad:

Well, I guess, that's all for this time. I'm writing a blog post after a long time. So, don't know what to write. I hope you'll write better in the next post. Thanks for reading this post.

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